8 Minutes To A Healthier Body
Good day, readers!
Another interesting topic, ay?
Here are a few exercises for you, procrastinators (including myself) within eight (8) minutes.
On a side note, I have decided to refrain myself from only providing an eight (8) minutes video. YES! Instead, I'll share more videos which gives more option to you, readers to pick which exercises suit you best! Another advantage here is that, these exercises or formulas are workable indoors and even outdoors. So, no more procrastinating, alright?
Of course, you should not only stop after 8 minutes! Instead, continue doing the 8 minutes exercises for a few more sessions. Perhaps, two to three sessions? That makes it about 16 - 24 minutes.
Definitely, I am no one to display moves or examples. Therefore, I have researched and adapted several fitness gurus who had portrayed their 8-10 minutes intense workout at home!
There are five videos and illustrations which I honestly felt it really is an intense 8-10 minutes workout for our body. You do not need a treadmill, dumbbells, exercise bicycles and you name it... you do not need them, not at all (trust me)! Just get dressed up in a sports attire and get a yoga mat if you wish!
1. 7 minute high intensity work out by Lumowell (Level: Beginner)
This video conducted by McMaster University, Canada proved effective result for burning fats more efficiently, increases stamina, reduces high risks of diseases and maximizing caloric consumption.
What is rather special on this exercise is that it focuses full on the body; legs, butt, abs, arms, chest, shoulders and back. No doubt, a total body workout within 7 minutes!
Here are what is included: (rest for 10 seconds after every exercise)
a) Jumping jacks (aeroboic exercise, 30 seconds) - avoid aggressive jumping and only land on toes.
b) Wall squat (legs and butt, 30 seconds) - bend both legs at a 45 degree angle leaning against the wall
c) Push ups (muscles, chest and shoulders, 30 seconds)
d) Crunches (abs, 30 seconds) - this is not a sit up, it trains and builds the abs
e) Step up (legs and butt, 30 seconds) - you will need a stool for this
f) Squats (legs, hamstrings and butt, 30 seconds) - bend your legs at a 45 degree angle with hands parallel to them
g) Triceps dips (30 seconds) - you will need a chair for this
h) High knee run (abs and stomach, 30 seconds) - a normal jogging with landing on toes
i) Front lunges (legs, 30 seconds)
j) Side plank (hips, 30 seconds) - switch sides at the 15 second.
k) Push up with rotations (arms, chest and shoulders, 30 seconds)
A total of 6 minutes and 50 seconds is all you will need!
2. Body weight workout by Limaran Agustina (Level: Beginner)
Well known in Singapore, Limaran is a freelance personal trainer at Radiance PhysioFit. In this video, she filmed under ReelityTV for viewers to do intense workout despite enjoying the Chinese New Year food! This set of workout aims to burn the calories and fats off your body!
Here are what is included: (rest for 30 seconds after every exercise)
a) Squats (legs, hamstrings and butt, 1 minute)
b) Modified push ups (shoulders and arms, 1 minute) - do a standard push ups if modified one is easy for you
c) Side lunges (legs, quadriceps, hamstrings, butt and thighs, 1 minute)
d) Bicycle crunches (abs and obliques, 1 minute) - best workout for abs!
e) Drop squats (legs, 1 minute)
A total of 7 minutes and 30 seconds for a full set! Make sure to do it 3 sets daily.
For these (3) and (4), I pretty much assume you, readers know who they are. Since they are from Malaysia and are quite influential in terms of health and fitness!
3. 7 minute HIIT workout by Linora Low (Level: Intermediate)
Based in Malaysia, Linora Low is a famous radio DJ, emcee, fitness trainer and health products ambassador.
This workout is known as a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to shred off fats and tone up body in a short period of time! HIIT also helps increase heart rate and improve our body's stamina.
Here are what is included: (no rest)
a) Jumping squats (quadriceps, legs and shoulders, 15 seconds)
b) High knees (legs15 seconds)
c) Dive bombers (shoulders and legs, 15 seconds)
d) Double donkey kick (abs, bicep and legs, 15 seconds)
e) Push up quad squats (bicep and legs, 15 seconds)
Do it in a set of five for a total of 7 minutes!
4. Fat burner and muscles stimulator workout by Jordan Yeoh (Level: Expert!)
Based in Malaysia, Jordan Yeoh is a certified personal trainer and ambassador for various health magazines.
Here are what is included: (rest for 10 seconds after every exercise)
a) Spiderman push up (20 seconds) - tough for beginners, apply normal push up if this move is hard
b) Low squat jump (20 seconds)
c) Squat thrusts (20 seconds) - half burpee
d) Toe tap (20 seconds)
e) Leg raise & flutter kick (20 seconds) - aims the lower abdominal
A total of 1 minute and 40 seconds only. But... do it for 5 sets for amazing results. Remember to rest for a minute before moving on to the next set.
5. 8 minute cardio workout by Cassey Ho (Level: Expert!)
No need for an introduction. Cassey is someone I really respect and admire most, for she is one of the best fitness guru and Pilates instructor! What's special about her is that, her videos are made to "accompany" you to exercise with her. YES! So it all means that she is your companion throughout the workout sets!
This video will be an intense high-intensity interval training workout for cardio workout!
Here are what is included: (rest for 15 seconds after every exercise)
a) Side lunge hop (thighs, 45 seconds)
b) Butt kicks (quadriceps, 45 seconds)
c) Double leg hops (legs, 45 seconds)
d) Side knee highs (shoulders, abs and thighs, 45 seconds)
e) Mountain climbers (shoulders and legs, 45 seconds)
f) Wide squat burpee (shoulders, legs and abs, 45 seconds)
g) Criss cross jacks (shoulders and quadriceps, 45 seconds)
h) Skaters (abs and legs, 45 seconds)
Cassey strongly recommends to do this four sets of eight minute workout. Definitely, for fast results!
#1 Four gurus recommend squats; the reason to why it is so is because squat really helps to tone muscle legs and butt apart from improving body balancing and mobility.
#2 Four gurus recommend push ups; while push ups uses 75% of our body weight, it also strengthens and tones the entire body including arms, chest and abs!
Make sure to have your posture right before you start doing these exercises! Don't slouch or slump, alright! Chest up, and you're ready to go!
Fact101 - A good posture will definitely improve your health!
Start burning all the fats off your body right now!
OFF TOPIC: If you wish to own a fitness timer for your daily workouts, you may download "JY Fitness Timer" under iOS and Android application (not a sponsored advertisement). The application has been a useful one for my daily workouts at home (though I'm an ultimate lazy being).
Leave a comment down below on which of these 5, is your favourite workout set! Also, make sure to follow them accordingly to achieve great results!
"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you" - Fred Devito (Author of Barre Fitness)
Signing off.
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Have a nice day ahead!